#UMI No Tsuki



engulfed in the moonlit sea, we dance with grace


please read all terms of service before proceeding

  • Beneath the mask You are one of many faces in a sea of flowing information. How you are perceived is wholly determined on how you act. One thing to keep in mind, despite dancing in your role of deceit: Family will always come first for it is the very thing that nurtures and nourishes you. You will never bite the hand that feeds despite how far you may stray. You safe guard the Families secrets with your life and tongue for all knowledge that you may know, will die with you before ever meeting enemies ears.

  • Trust No One Anyone who isn't part of the family is the enemy. Their secrets are not theirs to hold and therefore you will take it. A friend is just a different mask for an enemy who has outlived their use or purpose. If they are in your way then you will trample them with spiteful success. For at any moment they can stab their knife in your turned back, so why not always be one step ahead and prepare to make the first blow?

  • A smile better suits... Despite always being ready for a knife in your back, you must not always resort to violence. Subtlety is your ally and in ways friends can be useful whether it be for favors or simply access to a font of knowledge that may have been impossible to reach before. Having people in both high and low places will make sure you are in the know of everything. There wont be a single secret that will get by you because they will be told by loose lips under the guise and trust of friendship.

  • At any means necessary To be successful in the realm of the underworld, you must be willing to do whatever it takes. This sometimes means betrayal, kidnapping, living a false life, bloodying your very own hands or laying with the enemy. Anything to get the information or object of desire that you may seek. There may be times when situations are impossible and success rates are abysmally low. It is your job to ensure that victory is the outcome no matter what.

  • The show must go on As an entertainer in Tsuki no Umi you understand that sometimes you will be put in a position where you must leave desires at the door. Despite the pleasure or pain that comes with this double life you acknowledge and understand that luxuries have a price. Despite whatever happens, the show must go on and you will perform diligently.

  • Practice makes perfect You will be responsible for honing your craft and keeping up with your trade. This means attending practice for our public events both IC and OOC.

#DATA- Our mission.

Behold the moonlight's illusions

As graceful as the ocean, Umi no Tsuki acts as the entertainment branch of the three Shoku businesses. They are home to dancers, geisha, musicians, courtesans and anyone in the business of Subterfuge. Find yourself to be a people person? Does wit roll off your tongue like honey? Do you happen to find yourself with too much information without having to do much of anything? The song of the sea may be for you.
Members of Umi no Tsuki assist the company in their image, providing luxuries to the eyes and occasionally the gift of flesh for a hefty fee that isn't always paid with coin.
Umi no Tsuki operates out of the tea house and onsen as their main business within the SHOKU estate though many will find themselves out in the world vying for information through new clients and customers.
Members of Umi no Tsuki will also have a main role in aiding The Nisshoku-Gumi during public events, as well as assisting at the Yozakura Palace!

#DATA : radiance

under the light of the moon we dance with the waves

Are you blessed by the rays of the moon?

Geisha/Gesha: Traditional Japanese entertainers skilled in various arts such as music, dance, and conversation.
Dancers: Performers skilled in various dance forms, providing entertainment for patrons.
Musicians: Instrumentalists or vocalists who contribute to the musical ambiance of Umi no Tsuki.
Courtesans: Individuals who provide companionship and entertainment to patrons, often possessing refined social skills.
Entertainment Host/Hostess: Social and charismatic individuals who engage with patrons, ensuring they have an enjoyable experience.
Costume Designers: Creatives responsible for designing and creating costumes that enhance the visual appeal of performances.
Fashion Models: Individuals who showcase and display the latest fashion trends, contributing to the overall aesthetic of Umi no Tsuki.

#DATA : Shadow

In the deepest parts of the sea the moonlight can't touch

infiltration specialist: Skilled individuals who can discreetly enter and gather information from various places without detection.
Assassin: Highly trained individuals capable of carrying out covert and targeted eliminations with precision.
interrogator: Experts in extracting information through various means, ensuring that valuable intel is obtained.
Disguise experts: Individuals with the ability to change their appearance through makeup, costumes, and prosthetics for covert operations.
counterintelligence analyst: Professionals who focus on identifying and neutralizing threats from rival organizations or entities.
Undercover operatives: Individuals who seamlessly blend into various environments to collect information and carry out covert tasks.
Forgery specialist: Skilled artisans who can create convincing forged documents, identities, or items for clandestine purposes.


in the sea lies mystery and untouched beauty

#SECTION 01 : Cultivation of Grace:

Members are encouraged to move and interact with patrons in a manner that reflects the rhythmic and harmonious movements of the ocean. The grace extends beyond physical actions to include speech, demeanor, and interpersonal interactions. The aim is to create an atmosphere that captivates and enchants, leaving a lasting impression on those who experience the offerings of Umi no Tsuki.

#SECTION 02 : Public Image and Persona:

Understanding the significance of public image, individuals associated with Umi no Tsuki are expected to meticulously craft and maintain a refined persona. This includes a polished appearance, eloquent speech, and an awareness of social nuances. The public image is considered a work of art, a representation of the establishment's commitment to sophistication and cultural richness.

#SECTION 03 : Dance under the Moonlight or Cooperate with the Shadows:

Individuals associated with Umi no Tsuki may find themselves navigating between these two realms, carefully choosing whether to bask in the spotlight or operate discreetly in the shadows. This dual existence adds an element of mystery and intrigue to the overall persona of the establishment, aligning with the dynamic and ever-changing nature of the sea.In essence, Umi no Tsuki encourages its members to be not only performers of grace and elegance but also masters of the delicate balance between the seen and the unseen, creating an atmosphere that is as enigmatic as the ocean itself.


beyond the branches of the cherry blossom tree


The Family


The Hunt


Clinic and research


Spec Ops

#Yozakura Palace

Criminal Host Club and cabaret


within the shadows where the moonlight cannot touch

Eyja Thatcher

Leader of Umi-no-Tsuki

Species: HighlanderAge: 35Notable Features: Dark raven hair, covered in freckles and scars.Skills: A professional in the art of infiltration, Eyja prefers to work from the shadows, unseen. She specializes in forgery, assassinations, intel gathering, counterintelligence and interrogation.

Cidre Salix

Second in Command
of Umi-no-Tsuki

Radiance Division

Species: Rava, VieraAge: 96(?)Notable Features: Pink hair, two scars under left eyeSkills: Espionage, Guarding, Strong Aethersense, Intel Gathering, Assassinations

Seyu'a Yhinsali

Second in Command
of Umi-no-Tsuki

Shadow Division

Species: Miqo'teAge: 24Notable Features: "A remarkable figure with striking white hair, almond toned skin, and piercing crimson eyes~." -Seyu'aSkills: His expertise in espionage and subterfuge is unparalleled, often employing his adept skills in stealth, lying, and scheming to achieve his objectives. His control of Aether makes him formidable in combat as well, excelling in both offense and defense. Despite his carefree demeanor, Seyu’a is always plotting, his mind ever brimming with intricate schemes. Yet, amidst his clandestine pursuits, he revels in the company of good friends and fine drinks, finding solace in moments of camaraderie amidst the chaos of his criminal endeavors.

Hiroki Musa


Species: Au'ra, RaenAge: 23Notable Features: Opalescent scales and Golden eyesSkills: A born conversationalist, Hiroki has a way about her when it comes to gathering intel and making those in her company open up and find comfort in her presence. Along with this, her skill in bartending and offering more private dances can further lull her company into a sense of security around her. Her presence can also be quite unassuming when she demands it be, making it easy for the little Raen to slip into small places she shouldn't.

Mitasu Kuufuku


Species: UnknownAge: UnknownNotable Features: tall, pearly eyes, long pointy ears, fluffy tailsSkills: Music, dance, charm, kyūdō, marksmanship, torture, shipwrighting, flight, mana battery.

Skirne Agapios


Species: Rava VieraAge: 34Notable Features: A lot of piercings, golden hair and eyesSkills: Charisma, Strong Aethersense, Courtesean, Shaman, Intel Gathering

Riona Sk'adi


Species: Au'Ra, XaelaAge: 28Notable Features: White hair, red eyes, blue skin and dragon tattoo on her back.Skills: Master Forger, Cartographer, Scout, Espionage, Smuggler, Can Speak Many Different Languages, Aether Sense, Strong Intuition



Species: "Au'Ra"Age: unknownNotable Features: White hair, red eyes
Skills: Music, Barriers, aether battery, ninjutsu, art, calligraphy, magic in general, torture, illusions, being invisible, archery, sealing, summoning, making tea, making pottery, cooking, languages, swimming, fishing, alchemy (kinda), healing, aethersense, (kinda weird) aethersight, spirit sense, intel gathering, assassination, geomancy, astromancy, and more!

Aya Kiba


Species: Raen, Au'RaAge: Early 20sNotable Features: opalescent scales (keeps hidden with powder), pale yellow eyes, Black short hair (currently dyed black to hide true hair color)Skills: With her ability to breathe underwater, unnatural flexibility, and small stature, Aya can blend into scenes seamlessly and also be silent eyes and ears when it comes to surveillance missions.

Midori Han'nin


Species: HyurelezenAge: 26Notable Features: Emerald Eyes, Face and Ear Piercings, Full Body IrezumiSkills: Ninjutsu, Espionage, Thievery, Critical and Quick Thinking, Adept Teacher

Vianna Valentine


Species: Rava, VieraAge: 28Notable Features: Long brown wavy hair, bright green eyes, always wearing red makeup, a multitude of scars lining her body.Skills: Vianna is a versatile asset being able to support behind the scenes or working up front, sweet talking targets into spilling intel. Professional "Housewife." Multilingual, fluent in finance, fashion, organizing, sewing, dancing, and entertainment. A master of Eastern tea.

X'linya Nohn


Species: Miqo'te, SeekerAge: 27Notable Features: Silver eyes, sharp 'keeper'-like fangs, thick plumed tail, frequently wearing a maskSkills: Linya is agile and adept with silence. She has a natural born talent to obscuring herself and performing almost all jobs in "one hit one kill". She utilizes her vixen nature and snake-like tongue in order to ensnare easily manipulated victims and will not hesitate to use her own body to get the job done. She is highly vindictive in nature.

Chi'yo Maekaze


Species: Au Ra, XaelaAge: 30Notable Features: Petite stature and frame, blue hair and golden eyes, freckless littered on her face and a mole underneath her bottom lip.Skills: An Au Ra of small stature, that despise her size never backs off from a fight no matter who is she facing. While capable of manipulating aether fairly well, she never branched off and dedicated almost her entire life into practicing and perfecting of her Samurai arts. To compliment her fighting prowess, is espionage and intel gathering. While not the best cards in her arsenal, Chi'yo's charisma makes up for it. Catering to what she believes her interlocutor(s) wants to hear or do, Chi'yo is not satisfied until she gets what -she- wants out of the interaction. Her easygoing behaviour however, can easily lead her in situations she really does not want to be in...